$100 per hour

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Taking Investment



Nina Zazali


Company Love, Nina Zazali
Designation Director
Industries Fashion
Description Nina Zazali is an entrepreneur and the founder of a thriving retail brand based in Singapore. Her journey began six years ago when she started her business from the comfort of her own home. With sheer determination and a passion for her craft, she quickly gained attention and built a loyal following of over 33,000 Facebook fans and 15,000 Instagram followers. What makes Nina's brand stand out is its unique focus on online live selling, allowing her to connect with customers in real-time and provide them with an engaging shopping experience. Her ability to adapt to the ever-changing digital landscape has been the driving force behind her success. Nina's story is made even more inspiring by her roots. As an ex-girls home resident, she faced her fair share of challenges growing up. However, rather than letting her past define her future, she used those experiences to fuel her ambition and drive her towards success. Today, Nina serves as a role model not just for aspiring entrepreneurs, but for anyone who's ever faced adversity. Her resilience, creativity, and determination serve as a testament to what can be achieved with hard work and a clear vision.
Country Singapore

Open for


Giving Advice

Giving Investment

Taking Investment

